Program List

The number of (the)data : 3
  • Comedy
  • Romance

  • Comedy
  • Romance

Ossan's Love Returns


Haruta and Maki, now newlyweds, begin cohabiting. However, they find themselves entangled in arguments over trivial matters like household chores. Opting for professional assistance with their domestic tasks, they coincidentally have Kurosawa, their former boss who retired early, sent to their home as a housekeeper. This sparks a renewed romantic rivalry between Maki and Kurosawa.

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family



Shunpei is a single father struggling to care for his five-year-old son. One day, he runs into childhood buddy Sosuke, who decides to help his old friend out. Sosuke’s plan involves renting out the apartment above his rundown okonomiyaki restaurant as a share house and using the money to rebuild. When Sosuke puts out a call on social media for single parents like Shunpei, his hashtag #bemyfamily attracts the attention of Rei, a straightlaced schoolteacher, and Meiku, an ambitious singer-songwriter, each with a child of her own. But can this motley assortment of two men, two women, and three children really become a “family” just by living under the same roof?

아카기 슌페이는 어떤 사정으로 3개월 전 싱글 파더가 되었다.
5살 아들의 육아에 고전하던 중 우연히 재회한 소꿉친구 오사나이 소스케가 오지랖으로 SNS에 올린「#가족 모집합니다」라는 엉뚱한 모집에 휘말린다. 소스케는 자신이 일하는 낡은 오코노미야키 가게 공사를 위해 가게 2층에서 공동생활을 하여 월세를 얻으려고 한다. 아무도 오지 않을 거라며 어이없어하는 슌페이지만SNS를 계기로 조금 고지식한 초등학교 교사인 싱글맘 모모타 레이, 꿈을 좇는 애 딸린 싱어송라이터 오코세 메이쿠를 만나 어른 4명 + 아이 3명이 한 지붕 아래에서 살게 된다.
성격도 가치관도 서로 다른 7명은 어떻게 가족이 되어갈까?


  • Romance
  • Romance

Ossan's Love


Haruta, a 33 year-old guy who loves girls but is love-challenged himself, finds himself at the center of a bizarre love triangle. His “middle-aged boss” who hides an overly pure girl’s heart and Haruta’s young roommate “a good-looking and extremely aggressive guy” both declare their love for him.

Soichi Haruta, the hero, is actually sexually charged (he loves big breasts) and very eager to get married but is totally unpopular with girls who think of him as a good for nothing guy.

Kurosawa, who is in love with Haruta is a macho, competent boss and is popular with both his male and female staff, “an ideal boss” and he is in fact gay!

Maki, the other guy who is in love with Haruta is young, well-qualified and good looking, and is extremely popular with all the girls in the office. On top of that he is fantastically competent in all housework including cooking but he is in fact gay.

Haruta is now in “an unprecedented period of popularity”. He is in mortal fear of the aggressive guys chasing him and is refusing them with all his might but somehow he can no longer ignore the existence of these straightforward and passionate guys.